Traduzione intervista avvocata Orlando

1) Why isn’t prostitution regulated?
R: In our regulations it is not repressed, as it doesn’t constitute a crime by itself. The Merlin law punishes all of those activities that benefit from prostitution. The freedom to dispose of one’s own body, as long as it isn’t extorted with coercion methods, is at the base of the law.
2) How much does prostitution affect the psychological aspect of a person?
R: It is a phenomenon that has to be seen in a much wider manner. Statistically women and children are the main victims of prostitution. These women are moved from their country of origin without consent, through scams, threats, deception. It is clear that the trade affects these women a lot both physically and psychologically, it leaves profound scars, that don’t heal even after years of psychotherapy.
3) Why is prostitution illegal in some countries? Why is it punished with death penalty?
R: It depends from cultural heritage, from which it depends the political-legislative choice. In countries where it is punished with death penalty, it is not allowed to the woman to dispose of her own body.
4) In what period did prostitution arise?
R: It is one of the most ancient jobs of the world, we find it also during the period of Romans. It is impossible to determine an exact date, but certainly in Ancient Rome there were prostitution and lenocinium.
5) How much does Internet count in the development of prostitution?
R: It certainly accentuated the phenomenon thanks to the development of the web, look at child pornography and juvenile prostitution.
6) Why does parents send their children to prostitute themselves?
R: In some countries, for both cultural and socio-economic reasons, parents are inclined to compromise with traffickers in exchange for money, or for a better life they surrender to the exchange and sell their children to traffickers.
7) What can you do from a legal point of view to fight prostitution?
R: In Italy we have various effective instruments, for example the anti-trade green number, with a multi-language support by operators and the police; there is the protection of Article 18, that is to undertake a judiciary way; you can start a social path that doesn’t oblige them to denounce, beginning anyway a support course of psychological type.
8) How do juvenile prostitutes live the situation?
R: Our regulations provide an even greater protection for minors, because a thing of this genre will mark all of their life.
9) How do you get out of this circuit?
R: Girls that today find the courage to denounce to the green number or to the police are mainly Nigerian, Bulgarian or Romanian. They arrive shattered to our association, suspicious, because they were already scammed one time. It is very important to make them understand that they have no guilt, but also the processing of what they passed depends from the origin of the girls, because for example Nigerian girls have more strength of those of other nations. It is important to say that a lot of them today carry out a normal life.
10) In “Pretty woman”, Richard Gere takes away a prostitute from the streets. Does it happen in reality?
R: Certainly, personally I’ve known a girl that was helped by a client, that denounced, sent to prison a lot of people and saved a lot of other girls, then she even went to live with that client.
11) How can we citizens fight prostitution?
R: By beginning to revise a certain type of culture, too widespread in our society. As citizens, there is the anti-trade green number, contactable also by the private citizen to denounce a certain situation. It is fundamental the will of the victim woman to get out of the trade.
